
Virginia Tech® home

From Richmond, VA majoring in Animal and Poultry Science and minoring in Biodiversity Conservation

Clubs/Organizations at Virginia Tech:

  • Ujima living learning community
  • Student African American Sisterhood
  • Science Mentoring Program
  • Black Student Alliance
  • Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences - Virginia Tech Chapter

You can find me hanging out on campus at:

  • West End
  • In front of D2

If I'm not in class, I am (this can include what you do in your downtime, organization/club involvement, sports, etc.):

Hanging with friends and working with animals

My favorite meal on campus is:


My advice for the college search process is...

To not assume and go visit the college first, that will best help you determine where you feel like you belong.

I chose Virginia Tech because...

When I got to gateway, I instantly felt support and a sense of belonging. I could tell that Virginia Tech was going to get me where I needed to be.
