
Virginia Tech® home

From Richmond, VA majoring in Architecture and minoring in Housing and Property Management

Clubs/Organizations at Virginia Tech:

  • (FASA)
  • (SAAB)
  • Student Opportunities and Achievement Resources (SOAR)
  • American Institute of Architecture Students
  • Ambassador for College of Architecture and Urban Studies

You can find me hanging out on campus at:

The gym playing basketball or working out

If I'm not in class, I am (this can include what you do in your downtime, organization/club involvement, sports, etc.):

Probably eating

My favorite meal on campus is:


My advice for the college search process is...

Go wherever is best for you. This may sound simple and redundant, but it’s true. Don’t just follow where your friends are going and doing, do what will benefit you and your future.

I chose Virginia Tech because...

The level of education is unmatched, the school spirit is everlasting and ongoing, and the location is beautiful and serene, these are just a few reasons why I choose Virginia Tech.
