
Virginia Tech® home

Hails From

Franklin County, VA.

Majoring In

Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience major; Disabilities Studies minor

Clubs/Organizations at Virginia Tech:

  • Yates Scholar
  • MAOP Scholar
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • Neuroscience Club
  • Black Student Alliance (BSA)
  • Occupational Therapy Club

You can find me hanging out on campus at...

Outside of Deet's or in the Prarie Quad

If I'm not in class, I am (this can include what you do in your downtime, organization/club involvement, sports, etc.):

Hanging out with my roommates, working out, or at my jobs

My favorite meal on campus:

Owen's General Tso's Chicken

My advice for the college search process is...

Pick a school that aligns with your values and your educational goals, and also one that has the extracurricular activities you enjoy.

I chose Virginia Tech because...

Blacksburg is an amazing college town with friendly people who all have so much Hokie pride!!! And football games, of course.
